Sunday 16 June 2013

The Funny Side!

I know it's been a while since I last posted. I have been on placement again and 13 hour shifts are just about all I can take right now.

It's Father's Day and as I picked my children up from their nan's house we were all chatting away and the topic quickly turned to food. My eldest daughter asked where they should take Daddy for his special meal and after going through some options she blurted out "Pizza Hut!". My son was looking out of the window and retorted very nonchalantly "It's closed, it's Pizza Shut!" and carried on looking out of his window. Myself and my husband were in fits of giggles at this off hand remark. My son hadn't realised he had cracked a funny with his play on words.

It's moments like these that make all of the meltdowns and headaches seem like a distant memory. My boy doesn't really talk or contribute to conversations, preferring instead to make noises, but on the occasions he does join in he drops a little nugget of hope for the future.